
Reflections of the Most High

While here in Berlin I've had time to focus on myself. No deadlines, papers, dog to walk, I've just got me. Solitary reflections can be lonely and uncomfortable. For ten days I lived alone in a second floor apartment in the former DDR. Quiet and peaceful I escaped to the innermost place. While there I experienced grief, sadness and anger. Catharsis. My man told me to go out and drink a beer after my days of isolation. A classmate and I went walking through the city and met many people, one of which was my brother Wika. I noticed him selling handmade jewelry and Mola crafts. He spoke to me in Spanish and told me he was from the Kuna people of Panama. We all sat together on the ground and he told me his mythology. Creation, evolution and culture was revealed to me by a man who called me Sister. "I don't think about nations or boundaries." He said, "When I come to Germany, I only think that I am seeing another side of Mother Earth. National boundaries are all in our head and is a sickness." He came to Germany to be with his son and feel the energy of the Earth. Among the Kuna, the man lives with the family of the wife (matrilocal) and believe that humankind is not the apex of creation, but rather connected to all things living and dead. He said, "We believe we come from the stars. And when we die, it is not the end, but the beginning." He was living in the moment with a stable sense of territory. This sense of stability in the world, being rooted, is something I desire. I'm trying to be grounded like him and realize that I am related to all beings and a reflection of the Most High.

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